We are on a journey…

We are on a journey…

In Mararet J. Wheatley’s latest book, So Far From Home, the reader is taken into the world of right now reality and after that sober encounter then shown a map of how to approach the future. Becoming a warrior for the soul is her approach and it’s an intriguing and challenging idea.

In business one traditional approach is to think that you are at war with the competition. That approach would have you overcome the competition with superior service, products, and with style. Your brand is the brand people must want etc.

I’m from the school that believes that war is not the answer and never was never will be but rather finding ways to cooperate and to compete with yes, great service and products but also with an eye towards fulfilling the customers’ needs.

No doubt business can be a struggle at times and feel like a battle…a battle for survival. Being embattled by the challenges of owning and running a successful business is pretty ‘normal’. So here is the link back to Wheatley, she is saying that we need to build our inner and outer resources to deal with the massive changes coming. She goes into what she means by that but here I will just say that as a business owner you must develop supportive relationships with as many people as you can. Also, you would be well advised to develop your interior strengths as well.

Your resilient character will do more to sustain you than you can imagine. Be confident and be smart about what you are undertaking. Be humble and be open to constructive criticism. Be flexible and yet be true to your values and to your vision. Be grateful at all times and show your gratitude often to those supporting you and your vision. Be a leader by example and acknowledge those around you who take initiative to get things done.

These are simple ideas, easily written down but sometimes easily forgotten.  Keep a way to remind yourself what’s truly important and start your day with a smile on your face. As Mr. Jobs said the joy is in the journey not the destination.

Keep on keeping on…